
Facts of Munnangi

Name Type
Area 13.50 Sq Km
Land Area 5,500 Acres of Agriculture
Population 7,000 (Estimated)
Languages Telugu, English, Urdu
Agriculture Paddy, Chilly, Turmeric, Banana, Corn, Black Gram, Green Gram.
Total Number of Voters 4,770 (2006)
Women Voters 2,452
Men Voters 2,318
First MLA from Munnangi Sri Bonthu Gopala Reddy
Electricity 1960 (Electric lines)
Cooking Gas 1968 (First cooking gas stove)
Phone 1970 (First phone connection to Post Office and Rice Mill)
Road Connection 1957 (Road connection from Adda Road)
High School 1975
Upper Primary School 1973
Elementary School 1930s
Cinema Hall 1951
National Bank 1977 - Canara Bank
First Person to travel outside India 1979 - Sri Kurapati Chinabasivi Reddy (Visited Russia)
First Doctor ???
First Engineer ???
First Person to USA 1991 (January) - Alla Rami Reddy to pursue Masters
Note: If any of the facts are incorrect, please send your updates using the Contact Form.